The water was calm and blue, and surrounding Battleship Island were several fishing boats.(海面很平静,海水也很蓝。军舰岛周边漂着几只渔船。)
The little boy enjoys making battleship models.(这个小男孩喜欢做战舰模型。)
Suddenly a colossal explosion occurred in battleship row.(主力舰碇泊区突然发生极猛烈的爆炸。)
Battlecruisers are ships with the firepower of a battleship, but must rely on speed for defense.(战列巡洋舰拥有战列舰一样的火力,但只能靠速度作为防御。)
Their backs were battleship gray topped with a saw-toothed line of small yellow dorsal fins.(它们的背部是军舰的灰色,最上方是呈锯齿状的黄色背鳍。)
A British battleship, which had been damaged severely in the battle of Crete, came limping into Pearl Harbor.(一艘在克里特岛战役中严重受损的英国战舰艰难缓慢地驶进珍珠港。)
Apparently no battleship was lost, and probably not much in the way of cruisers or destroyers.(看起来没有主力舰的损失,也许巡洋舰或驱逐舰的损失也不大。)
So, he sent the battleship "Maine" to Havana.(所以,他把“缅因”战船派去了哈瓦那。)
Studying battleship row through binoculars, I saw the big explosion had been on the Arizona.(我用望远镜窥察主力舰碇泊区,见到发生大爆炸的是“亚利桑那”号。)
Our battleship was assigned to convoy an aircraft carrier to the Caribbean Sea.(我们的战舰奉命为一艘航空母舰护航到加勒比海。)
battleship是什么意思 battleship在线翻译 battleship什么意思 battleship的意思 battleship的翻译 battleship的解释 battleship的发音 battleship的同义词