The shadow of the Bastille had fallen on him again.(巴士底狱的阴影又一次降临到了他身上。)
People had gathered in Nice for a celebration of Bastille Day.(人们聚集在尼斯庆祝法国国庆日。)
In France, the Bastille and the Paris Commune are not forgotten, but it is the Pompidou Centre and I.M.Pei's Louvre Pyramid that leave deeper marks in the visitor's mind.(在法国,巴士底狱和巴黎公社都是不能被遗忘的地方,但是蓬皮社中心和贝聿铭的卢浮宫金字塔给游客留下了更深的印象。)
Still, the Bastille was hated by the people.(人们仍然憎恶着巴士底监狱。)
A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for 20 years.(有一位名演员曾在一出极为成功的剧目中扮演一个贵族角色,这个贵族已在巴士底狱被关押了20年。)
The door slammed, and the carriage drove rapidly away, ascending the quays in the direction of the Bastille.(车门又关上,马车向前飞跑,上了河岸向巴士底狱的方向驶去。)
Fireworks burst over the Eiffel Tower during traditional Bastille Day celebrations on July 14, 2011 in Paris.(法国国庆日,烟花在艾菲尔铁塔上空绽放,巴黎。)
The insurgents invaded the H_tel des Invalides military hospital to seize weapons and then headed for the Bastille.(反叛者冲入“荣军院”(军医院)抢夺武器,随后奔向巴士底狱。)
The IMF was oriented southward for many hours during the Bastille Day storm.(巴士底日太空风暴发生期间,IMF有好几个小时都是指向南方的。)
He had been put into prison for no good reason and he had spent 18 years in the Bastille before he was set free.(他被无故投进了监狱,并在巴士底狱度过了十八年才被释放。)
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