bald eagle

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bald eagle

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:51:27

英 [bɔ:ld ˈi:ɡl]

美 [bɔld ˈiɡəl]

bald eagle基本解释



第三人称复数:bald eagles

  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释


1. a large eagle of North America that has a white head and dark wings and body

Synonym: American eagleHaliaeetus leucocephalus

1. 秃鹰:黄石公园是看野生动物的好地方,我们进公园没多远就看见了秃鹰(bald eagle),因为没有望远镜,所以我们只好随便看看. 后来我们还看到了水牛(buffalo)、驼鹿(elk)和熊(bear)等动物. 我们顺路去了哥伦比亚河(Columbia River)上的一个坝(Bonneville Dam)参观.

2. 白头海雕:而差一点使得它们的国鸟:白头海雕 (bald eagle) 绝种. 世上的每一个物种都是生物网 (web of life) 的一环,

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Though once quite large , the population of the bald eagle across North America has drastically declined in the past forty years.(在过去四十年里穿越北美的秃头鹰数量已经急剧减少,但是它们曾经数量众多。)
Species like the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey nearly disappeared.(象白头鹰、游隼和鹗(一种鱼鹰)等鸟种几乎绝种。)
Fortunately, in 1972, a law was passed to ban DDT, which saved the bald eagle from total wipeout.(幸运的是,在1972年,通过了一项禁止使用DDT的法律,使秃鹰免遭灭顶之灾。)
You are not going to see a bald eagle?(你不是要看到秃头鹰了吧?)
The park is also home to many different types of wildlife including black and grizzly bear moose golden and bald eagle bighorn sheep mountain goat and whitetail and mule deer.(公园也是各式各样野生生物的家,包括黑熊、灰熊、大角鹿,金鹫、白头鹰、大角羊、山羊、白尾鹿和黑尾鹿。)
When the Endangered Species Act was signed in 1973, it was expected to protect charismatic fauna such as the bald eagle and Yellowstone's grizzly bears.(当1973年《濒危物种法案》签署时,人们期望它能保护一批引人注目的动物,如秃头鹰和黄石公园的北美灰熊。)
Benjamin Franklin disliked the choice of the bald eagle as the national bird, and it was in a letter to his daughter, in 1784, that he proposed putting the Turkey in its place.(本杰明·富兰克林就不喜欢把秃头鹰作为国鸟,他在1784年给女儿的信中表明用火鸡取代秃头鹰的想法。)
Why not a horse, or a beetle, or a bald eagle?(为什么不是一匹马,不是一个甲虫或者是一个秃头的老鹰呢?)
Engraving provides a clean, crisp outline resulting in beautiful concrete images like those shown above, Bald Eagle or colorful butterfly.(雕刻提供了一个干净,清晰的轮廓像上面这些漂亮的具体的形象造成的,白头海雕或五颜六色的蝴蝶。)
The bald eagle is a large, powerful, brown bird with a white head and tail.(白头鹰体形很大,动作有力,羽毛呈灰色,脑袋和尾巴呈白色。)
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