英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 08:02:01



英 [ˈbækwɔ:tə(r)]

美 [ˈbækˌwɔtɚ, -ˌwɑtɚ]


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1. a place or condition in which no development or progress is occurring

e.g. the country is an economic backwater

2. a body of water that was created by a flood or tide or by being held or forced back by a dam

e.g. the bayous and backwaters are breeding grounds for mosquitos

1. 闭塞的地方;与世隔绝的地方
A backwater is a place that is isolated.

e.g. ...a quiet rural backwater.

2. 停滞(或落后)的地方;一潭死水
If you refer to a place or institution as a backwater, you think it is not developing properly because it is isolated from ideas and events in other places and institutions.

e.g. Britain could become a political backwater with no serious influence in the world...
e.g. This agency will be relegated to the backwaters of Washington...

1. 回水:为什么这明明是些小河小溪,当地人却不肯称其为河,偏偏要将它们称做回水(backwater)呢?原来,距这些河流不远处就是波涛汹涌的印度洋,河水与海水相距最近处不过十几米. 在小河与大洋之间的并不是横亘的山脉陡崖,通常不过是区区一两米高的沙丘.

2. 死水:然后卡拉拉(Kerala)的死水(backwater)是和泰姬陵齐名的世界50个必须要去的地方,而我们打算在租一条房船(houseboat)在这个著名的水域上度过一晚,尽情欣赏这热带美景,因此看点之二是究竟什么成就了卡拉拉死水之美.

3. backwater

3. 死水,死气沉沉的地方:Antichoice 反堕胎 | Backwater 死水,死气沉沉的地方 | Intercom 对讲机,闭路通讯装置

4. backwater

4. 循环水:backwater trap 回水存水弯 | backwater 循环水 | backway 后退距离

Southerners whisper that no one would show up if Parliament were based in a backwater such as Manchester.(南方人说,如果议会在诸如闭塞的曼彻斯特开会,将没有一个人到场。)
They look down upon those who live in intellectual backwater.(他们瞧不起智力处于停滞状态的人。)
On the backwater of calm, I am not in the mood to view.(对一潭死水的平静,我没有心情观赏。)
It is a commonplace to say that Northern Ireland is a backwater in modern Europe.(有关北爱尔兰是现代欧洲的一潭死水的说法已经是陈词滥调了。)
Since the mid-1990s it has become obvious that the bottleneck would need to be cleared, or the canal would become a backwater.(90年代中期以来,这一瓶颈问题愈发突出,运河亟需扩建疏导,否则将变成死水。)
We have been located in a backwater part of the galactic rim.(我们位于银河系边缘的偏远山区。)
From being a little-visited Bohemian backwater, it became the glittering jewel in the central European crown.(布拉格已经从鲜有人问津的波西米亚腐水塘,变成中欧皇冠上闪亮的珠宝。)
Western governments are, however, worried that trouble may be brewing in this backwater.(但是,许多西方国家担心这潭死水正酝酿着麻烦。)
Some were playing water-polo in the backwater.(有些人在回水河汊玩水球。)
Stop the struggle, the rivers will become a backwater.(停止奋斗的脚步,江河就会沦为一潭死水。)
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