1. 英语字母表的第2个字母
B is the second letter of the English alphabet.
2. C大调音阶中的第七音;B音
In music, B is the seventh note in the scale of C major.
3. (作业、考试等的)乙等,良好
If you get a B as a mark for a piece of work or in an exam, your work is good.
4. (用于首字母为b的一些单词的缩写,如born)
B or b is used as an abbreviation for words beginning with b, for example 'born'.
1. B的解释
1. b:board; 配电盘,仪表板
2. b:base – address; 基地址
3. b:base; 基地,基线,底座
4. b:database; 数据库
5. b.:breezing; 快投球
6. b.:bottom stander; 下面的人
7. b.:bay; 海湾
8. b.:backward edge; 后刃