名词复数: axes
名词复数: axes
1. the center around which something rotates
Synonym: axis of rotation
2. the 2nd cervical vertebra
serves as a pivot for turning the head
Synonym: axis vertebra
3. a straight line through a body or figure that satisfies certain conditions
4. a group of countries in special alliance
Synonym: bloc
5. the main stem or central part about which plant organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged
1. (假想的)轴;轴线
An axis is an imaginary line through the middle of something.
2. (坐标)轴
An axis of a graph is one of the two lines on which the scales of measurement are marked.
1. 轴线:地处无锡市中山路恒通大厦6004室的无锡中轴线(axis)动画公司开业于2008年10月15号,正式挂名营业于2009年3月,是一家集动画部,着色部,制作部为一体并主要以制作日韩动画为主的动画公司,公司刚处于起步阶段,望有志人士与我们携手共进,
2. 枢椎:出现了 2 枚荐椎,第一,第二颈椎分别特化为寰椎(atlas)和枢椎(axis).荐椎数目的 增多及其与腰带的牢固连接,加强了后肢承受体重负荷.寰椎前部与颅骨的枕髁关连,枢椎 的齿突伸入寰椎,构成可动联结,使头部获得更大的灵活性,
3. 坐标轴:每个坐标轴(Axis)的Title都有一个Angle属性,只要将Bottom(横坐标)Title的Angle改为90就可以竖着显示了(可改任可角度,所是斜的都可以)
4. axis:ax.; 轴心