They'd come on a direct flight from Athens.(他们是从雅典乘坐直达航班来的。)
It is the harbor of Athens.(它是雅典的港口城。)
The genus is named after Cecrops I, the mythical first king of Athens.(该属以神话中的雅典第一位国王塞克洛普斯一世命名。)
In Greek mythology, the goddess Athena gave the olive tree to the people of Athens, who showed their gratitude by naming the city after her.(在希腊神话中,雅典娜女神将橄榄树送给雅典人,雅典人以她的名字命名这座城市以表达他们的感激之情。)
Athens lost freedom forever, but freedom was not lost forever for the world.(雅典永远失去了自由,但世界永远都不会失去自由。)
Some people say that Fletcher Davis, from Athens, invented hamburgers.(有人说,来自雅典的弗莱彻·戴维斯发明了汉堡包。)
At the 1896 Olympics in Athens, a bamboo pole was used to set the vaulting record of 10 feet 6 inches.(在1896年雅典奥运会上,一根竹竿被用来创造10英尺6英寸的跳高纪录。)
It depicts a series of stories in the Athens grand duke Theseus and Hippolyta wedding center.(它描绘了以雅典大公忒修斯和希波吕忒婚礼为中心的一系列故事。)
The best thing for me is that I have equaled what I have done in Athens.(对我来说,最好的事情是我做到了在雅典曾经做到的事情。)
Lack of space in Athens is the main reason why the dead are dug up after three years.(雅典的空间不足是埋葬三年后尸体就要被挖出的主要原因。)
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