at the crack of dawn

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at the crack of dawn

更新时间:2025-01-06 23:56:21
  • 网络解释

1. 破晓时分:挑灯夜战 burn the midnight oil | 破晓时分 at the crack of dawn | 脱口而出 slip of the tongue

2. 黎明破晓:* barn: 谷仓, 粮仓. | * at the crack of dawn: 黎明破晓 | * on the road: 在路上

3. 黎明時分:1 一場功夫引發的車禍 A Taffic Accident Caused by Kongfu | 2 黎明時分 At the Crack of Dawn | 3 魔法地圖 The Map of Magic

  • 临近词
The rooster in your backyard wakes you up every morning at the crack of dawn.(每天黎明时分后院的公鸡会叫醒你。)
At night she would hide herself in the cloak-room to study; ax the crack of dawn she would sit on the landing with a book.(夜里她躲在厕所里边读书,天将明的时候,她就坐在楼梯口。)
We have to get up at the crack of dawn.(我们不得不在破晓时起床。)
Helli: ok! Say no more... I would also have woken up at the crack of dawn to get to the bathroom first!(知道了!无须多说…那样的话如果我需要第一个进浴室也得在破晓时分起床了!)
These days they were up at the crack of dawn.(这些天他们在破晓时就起床。)
If you don't need to get up at the crack of dawn, turn off the alarm clock.(如果你不需要破晓起床,那么关闭闹钟。)
Paolo:You're lucky! I had to get up at the crack of dawn when I was at university.(你真幸运!我在上大学时必须在破晓十分就起床。)
Some people can spring out of bed at the crack of dawn and slip right into a pair of sneakers without stopping for coffee.(有些人能在黎明时分跳下床,迅速地穿上运动鞋,连喝杯咖啡的时间都没有就走了。)
A couple went on vacation to a fishing resort up north. The husband liked to fish at the crack of dawn; the wife preferred to read.(一对夫妻在往北的钓鱼胜地度假。丈夫喜欢在拂晓时钓鱼,妻子则喜欢读书。)
One week later, I lived in the den of my grandparents' apartment, got up at the crack of dawn and worked in a place where I was so intimidated that I didn't get up to go to the bathroom.(而毕业一个星期后,我搬到祖父母公寓的一个小房间里,天刚擦亮就起床,工作的时候吓得都不敢站起来去上厕所。)
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