at odds with

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at odds with

更新时间:2024-09-20 04:41:36

at odds with基本解释

与 ... 不和; 与 ... 争吵; 与 ... 不一致


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  • 双语例句

1. China also understands that it cannot carry on as a responsible major power if it remains at odds with Japan.

2. Even the EU is at odds with the United States, agreeable to binding targets in some areas such as sanitation.

3. Xu also questioned the rationale behind the jurors'system, noting it is at odds with the country's pursuit of a highly professional judicature.

4. That assessment was more or less at odds with the general perception.

5. With the two countries still at odds over a number of historical issues, many South Koreans see recurring territorial disputes as a sign of an unrepentant Japan.

6. His position supporting abortion rights sits well with socially moderate Republicans, but puts him deeply at odds with much of the party's conservative Christian base.

7. The two nations are often at odds with each other because people and politicians often see one side of the issue.

8. Zhou made no secret of the fact that her group's standpoint puts it at odds with the park authorities.

9. Sharon had called the referendum push a bid to undermine him at odds with polls showing most Israelis want out of Gaza.

10. The official values that have dominated for long are vague, and at odds with those we accept.

1. However, odds are with a cable run of 30 feet or less, you will never encounter this problem at all.

2. Cozying up to Russia, whose leaders have been increasingly at odds with the United States, evoked cold war rivalries in the hemisphere.

3. at odds with什么意思

3. China`s favoured companies, with their access to cut-price funding, will usually be at an advantage compared with overseas rivals when bidding for assets, and may be prepared to pay over the odds.

4. at odds with的翻译

4. And if there is anything at odds with the universalist propensities of culture, it is the exclusionary vision that nationalist perspectives try to impose on cultural life.

5. The deliberate universalism of these period films is at odds with the tone of Mizoguchi's 1950s films set in the present day.

6. However, during the same period in the sphere of commodity and currency exchange and circulation, the exchange rate between copper-bronze currency and printed currency was lower than one hang, and so the inflated cost of copper-bronze currency was at odds with its value.

7. I don't want to be at odds with my neighbor over sth.


8. Be at odds with sb. over sth.

9. at odds with的意思

9. Be at odds with sb over sth.

10. at odds with什么意思

10. Ted Wiliams'three children have been at odds with one another for years. John Henry, who managed his father's business and personal matters, once sued his younger sister Claudia for selling their father's autographed bats.

11. The main sources concerning the life and teachings of Jesus are the four canonical gospels from the New Testament, which depict Jesus as a Galilean rabbi, healer, and performer of other miracles, who was often at odds with Jewish religious authorities, and was crucified outside of Jerusalem during the rule of the Roman prefect Pontius Pilate.

12. Equality and the dance of the savior or guru are at odds with one another.

13. There is also no way to move into the dance of unity in such a game; for a hierarchical structure and unity are at odds with one another.

14. at odds with的近义词

14. Given that increasing life force is a prerequisite for ascension, ascension and control and the related attachment are at odds with one another.

15. at odds with的反义词

15. For those who don`t, there is a brief explaination of the game at the front /back of this book, with the Ranking of hands and the odds against receiving them. it is followed by /at the back is a Glassary of pork terms, most of which are explained in the text in the text on first usage, then employed in the porker parlance most players use.

16. These romantic ideals of the nineteenth century were at odds with the reality of modern trench warfare.

17. In the study of patients with pulmonary embolism, the incidence of recurrence at day 92 was 3.4% in the idraparinux group and 1.6% in the standard-therapy group (odds ratio, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.21 to 3.78), a finding that did not meet the noninferiority requirement.

18. In the study of patients with deep venous thrombosis, the incidence of recurrence at day 92 was 2.9% in the idraparinux group as compared with 3.0% in the standard-therapy group (odds ratio, 0.98; 95% confidence interval, 0.63 to 1.50), a result that satisfied the prespecified noninferiority requirement. At 6 months, the hazard ratio for idraparinux was 1.01. The rates of clinically relevant bleeding at day 92 were 4.5% in the idraparinux group and 7.0% in the standard-therapy group (P=0.004). At 6 months, bleeding rates were similar.

19. Landscaping and bore water have helped create a oasis at odds with the surrounding country.

20. Due to zodiacal alignment, those born in the Years of the Rat, Horse, Goat and Rabbit will be at odds with the deity, he warns.

  • 临近词
Is at odds with freedom.(是否与自由产生了冲突。)
These findings are at odds with what is going on in the rest of the country.(这些研究结果与国内其他地区的实际情况并不相符。)
You're always at odds with your environment, and I think that's the spur you want.(当你总是和你的环境发生矛盾时,或许这是你想要体验的刺激。)
However, the trend away from marriage seems at odds with the wishes of both men and women.(然而,这一趋势与男性和女性的愿望似乎并不相符。)
For some time, it even appeared that the two styles of programming were at odds with each other.(在某些时候,甚至这两种类型的编程甚至不一致。)
This might sound at odds with the previous rule but, according to Cheliotis, it's certainly not.(这听起来有悖于前面一条法则,但并不是这样的。)
As I wrote earlier, the idea of the "self-made person" is at odds with its moral connotations.(正如我以前写过的,“自力更生”的理念与它的道德含义不一致。)
This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn't be more out of date or at odds with the feverish world described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline's three-year indictment of "fast fashion".(于伊丽莎白·克莱恩在对“快时尚”三年的控诉,《过度着装》一书中描述的狂热世界而言,这种自上而下的时装业概念已经太过时或格格不入。)
In the past her novels were thought to follow an Augustan mode at odds with the Romantic ethos.(在过去,她的小说被认为是遵循奥古斯都风格,与浪漫主义精神背道而驰。)
In other words they were utterly at odds with God.(换句话说,他们在与神完全不符。)
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