assume control of

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assume control of

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:49:32
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. An Army general in Texas was told to be ready to assume control of a military task force in Rita's wake.

1. The disease prevention and control institutions at various levels shall assume responsibility for monitoring and controlling the epidemic situation of AIDS, and make regular analysis of it and its epidemic trend; provide technical guidance and service for the prevention and control work, and take measures aimed at prevention, control and intervention among human groups liable to AIDS infection; and conduct epidemiological survey among AIDS victims and virus carriers, set up records for them and pay regular visits to them.

2. assume control of是什么意思

2. The Almoravid Berbers have risen from their homelands near the west coast of Africa to establish their capital in Marrakesh, and assume control of the Moorish empire.

3. In the survey of the road, gradually found Bond, Greene is implementing an earth-shattering conspiracy: a joint oil-producing countries have been expelled by the government of General Medrano (played乔昆科西欧), to assume full control of the country a rich resource The purpose of the land.

4. assume control of的解释

4. Medicaid could be converted to block grants, compelling states to assume more of the burden of cost control.

5. The reasoning process is focused on the following hot points: the quantitative relationship of how much health expenditure growth, resource wastage and increased social burden caused by each unit of decreased governmental financial input with current reimbursing mechanism; quantitative verification of how much accountability for health expenditure growth the governmental agencies, such as the Finance, Price, and Health, should assume respectively; quantitative verification of reasonableness in health expenditure growth from the demand perspectives; for improving hospital reimbursement mechanism, how to determine the adjustment quantity in pricing hospital services without imposing extra burden upon society, how to determine the target prices, how to control pharmaceutical cost growth; in current situation, how to strictly control pharmaceutical profitability; and how to consider regional character and balance including equity in population while setting a reasonable growth rate.

6. In order to examine the effects of taxation on behaviour of banks, we assume that the object of commercial banks is profit maximization. Under the prevailing interest control system, the choice variables for commercial banks are volumes of deposit and loan.

7. Globalization, or global capitalism perhaps, teaches us that command economies do not work and that paternalism, the concept of authority, elected or otherwise, limiting individual responsibility in one area or another, is not in the interests of the majority and that it is the individual who must assume responsibility for all his needs and wants and be allowed to own and control resources.

8. It is not merely an arcane academic literature, but rather a resource through which we can reflect intelligently on the world around us and, perhaps, make informed choices and assume a greater level of control.

9. assume control of什么意思

9. The Judicial proceedings in India will soon draw to a conclusion, and every step along the legal way has favourably indicated that the KCT, and thus His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, will soon assume legal control of the monastery.

10. assume control of的解释

10. Guarantors and Instructing Parties assume no liability or responsibility for consequences arising out of the interruption of their business by acts of God, riots, civil commotion, insurrections, wars or any other causes beyond their control or by strikes, lock-outs or industrial actions of whatever nature.

11. Article 13 第十三条 Guarantors and Instructing Parties assume no liability or responsibility for consequences arising out of the interruption of their business by acts of God, riots, civil commotion, insurrections, wars or any other causes beyond their control or by strikes, lock-outs or industrial actions of whatever nature.


12. ST through the huge amount of Dan's hand in order to control trade, the CTS in the name of the bank acceptance bills of exchange issued 860, 000, 000 yuan, or Group Meeting will be discounted after the funds were returned to the * ST Dan or Dan Group And assume the discount interest rate of about 14, 630, 000 yuan.


13. In the respect of Hardware design, according to the features of the environmental monitoring data acquisition and processing: Taking DSP as the core; Analog-to -Digital Converter MAX196 complete analog signal acquisition; CPLD Logic decoding assume that the change of control functions, that the address decoder, I/O expansion, the debounce circuit of the keyboard, switches of Acquisition and Control, DSP-Multiplexed data bus and SJA1000 Multiplexed data Bus interface and conversion; CAN provide communication interface for monitoring installment and upper monitor.

14. Here, we can assume that, if not the current macro-control, then this year, 1-7 months, China`s average selling price of real estate is not a 2724 yuan per square meter, an increase in must will not be a 12.9%; certainly be several times this figure.
在这里,我们可以假设,如果不是目前的宏观调控,那么,今年1-7月,中国的平均销售价格,房地产不是一个二七二四元每平方米,增加了必须将不会是12.9 %;当然,这个数字好几次。

15. It might even be your own partner who reports you so he can assume full ownership and control of your business.

16. To assume the control or management of.


17. Take over To assume the control or management of.

18. He will assume control of your cities, states and nation. He is going to move in and take over your churches, schools, universities and corporations.

19. assume control of在线翻译

19. Assume that the initial state of the pilot valve closed, diversion control barrier.

20. Create the saviour of wrestling, and then assume control of any one of 6 major promotions to realize your vision.

  • 临近词
Still, assume the best: that after a lending boom of several years, bad debts at emerging-market banks are under control.(然而,假设最好的情况:在为期几年的贷款业务繁荣之后,新兴市场银行的坏账仍在控制之下。)
The Publisher must assume no responsibility or liability malfunctions in communications facilities not under our control that may affect the accuracy or timeliness of messages you send.(一切在我们控制以外有关通讯设备故障所引致的消息谬误或讯息未能适时传达,出版人概不负责。)
It's safe to assume that stress is a normal part of life for all of us, but the key is making sure it doesn't run our lives or grow out of control.(坦白说有压力是我们所有人正常生活状态里的一部分,重要的是我们不能让压力搅乱我们的生活,或者让压力超出了我们的控制范围。)
Create the saviour of wrestling, and then assume control of any one of 6 major promotions to realize your vision.(创造救世主的摔跤,然后假设控制的任何一个6大促销,以实现您的愿景。)
Assume an auditor expects a control procedure failure rate of 0.5 percent.(假定审计师预计控制程序的失败率是0.5%。)
Sure, not everything is under your control, but let’s assume that much of your life is yours to do with as you please.(当然,不是所有事情都在你的控制之下,但假设你生活的大部分都能按照你的意愿。)
Do not assume that managers understand the goal of a particular control design.(不要假设管理者都能理解特殊控制制度的目标。)
Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, will assume responsibility for the stability of the financial system and control of the credit cycle, while retaining power to set interest rates.(英格兰银行行长默文金,将会在保持设定利率权力的同时,为了金融体系的稳定而承担责任,并且控制信贷周期。)
Club legend Kenny Dalglish will assume control of team matters for Sunday's third round FA Cup tie against Manchester United at Old Trafford.(俱乐部名宿肯尼·达格利什将会成为周日足总杯第三轮在老特拉福德对阵曼联的带队教练。)
When The9 halted service on June 7, NetEase wasn't ready to assume control of the operation and at last report the game still hadn't come back online.(当9城于6月7日关闭服务器时,网易还有没做好立刻继续开服的准备,并且至今仍不能开服。)
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