assets settlement

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assets settlement

更新时间:2024-09-20 04:41:15
  • 双语例句

1. Promoting enterprise reform, saying it is difficult to dispose of the assets and worker settlement.

2. Realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities, using tax

3. B. the amount of a long-term equity investment acquired in the form of non-cash assets from a debtor in settlement of a debt or by swapping a creditor`s claim includes the book value of the creditor`s claim plus any tax payments.

4. Article 20 The term transfer of assets refers to the dealings of the commercial bank's own movables and immovables, the dealings of credit assets and the acceptance and settlement of the offsetting-debt assets.

5. assets settlement在线翻译

5. The trading settlement funds or securities of its client may not be defined as its insolvent assets or liquidation assets.

6. Article 5The assets formed by payments for the enterprise annuity fund and by the operation of the annuity fund shall include the monetary funds, settlement accounts receivable of securities, interests receivable, purchases of resale securities, other receivables, bond investments, fund investments, stock investments and other investments.

7. The liquidation of enterprises with foreign investment includes the dissolution of the enterprise in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the valuation and disposal of the assets on completion of the liquidation, the settlement of claims and liabilities, accounting for liquidation expenses and the profit and loss on liquidation, and the distribution of residual assets.

8. During the dissolution and liquidation of the company, except for the fulfilling of certain legal process, the liquidation of assets, the settlement of debts, and the distribution of residual assets and corresponding accounting treatment are also the main parts of the whole procedure of dissolution and liquidation.

9. It`s no doubt that AMC have made great progress in Non-performing assets settlement in the last 7 years.

10. Sales of financial assets are accounted for at settlement date.

11. assets settlement的翻译

11. Due to the bankruptcy of the debtor, collection is still not possible after the use of the bankruptcy assets for settlement

12. Most exclude from the settlement assets acquired before the marriage (but Michigan and Colorado don`t).

13. The fair value is refers to two sides between transaction which is amount in the familiar situation of exchange of assets or settlement of debts.

14. I give to said domiciliary Executors the following additional powers, rights and privileges to be exercised in their sole and absolute discretion, with reference to such property: to cause such ancillary administration to be commenced, carried on and completed; to determine what assets, if any, are to be sold by the ancillary Executors; to pay directly or to advance funds from the California estate to the ancillary Executors for the payment of all claims, taxes, costs and administration expenses, including compensation of the ancillary Executors and attorneys'fees incurred by reason of the ownership of such property and by such ancillary administration; and upon completion of such ancillary administration, I authorize and direct the ancillary Executors to distribute, transfer and deliver the residue of such property to the domiciliary Executors herein, to be distributed by them under the terms of this Will, it being my intention that my entire estate shall be administered as a unit and that my domiciliary Executors shall supervise and control, so far as permissible by local law, any ancillary administration proceedings deemed necessary in the settlement of my estate.

15. I give to said domiciliary Executors the following additional powers, rights and privileges to be exercised in their sole and absolute discretion, with reference to such property: to cause such ancillary administration to be commenced, carried on and completed; to determine what assets, if any, are to be sold by the ancillary Executors; to pay directly or to advance funds from the California estate to the ancillary Executors for the payment of all claims, taxes, costs and administration expenses, including compensation of the ancillary Executors and attorneys` fees incurred by reason of the ownership of such property and by such ancillary administration; and upon completion of such ancillary administration, I authorize and direct the ancillary Executors to distribute, transfer and deliver the residue of such property to the domiciliary Executors herein, to be distributed by them under the terms of this Will, it being my intention that my entire estate shall be administered as a unit and that my domiciliary Executors shall supervise and control, so far as permissible by local law, any ancillary administration proceedings deemed necessary in the settlement of my estate.

16. To cause such ancillary administration to be commenced, carried on and completed; to determine what assets, if any, are to be sold by the ancillary Executors; to pay directly or to advance funds from the California estate to the ancillary Executors for the payment of all claims, taxes, costs and administration expenses, including compensation of the ancillary Executors and attorneys'fees incurred by reason of the ownership of such property and by such ancillary administration; and upon completion of such ancillary administration, I authorize and direct the ancillary Executors to distribute, transfer and deliver the residue of such property to the domiciliary Executors herein, to be distributed by them under the terms of this Will, it being my intention that my entire estate shall be administered as a unit and that my domiciliary Executors shall supervise and control, so far as permissible by local law, any ancillary administration proceedings deemed necessary in the settlement of my estate.

17. The amount of deferred tax recognised is measured based on the expected manner of realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.


18. (xiv) Settlement and clearing services for financial assets, including securities, derivative products, and other negotiable instruments;

19. Accounting recognition poser of assets-based securitization and its settlement

20. The costs include bankruptcy fees, employee settlement fees, loss on realization of assets, loss of profits, and increase of capital costs etc.

  • 临近词
And there can be a Catch-22: those with the fewest assets are the likeliest to receive a settlement offer, but they are also the least able to come up with the cash for that final negotiated payment.(但是规定往往让人两难:资产最少的人最有可能收到清算的要求,但他们同时又最不可能筹措到现金来完成最终协商好的付款。)
The trading settlement funds or securities of its client may not be defined as its insolvent assets or liquidation assets.(非因客户本身的债务或者法律规定的其他情形,不得查封、冻结、扣划或者强制执行客户的交易结算资金和证券。)
If such is the case, different creditors stand differently in order of settlement of the remaining assets.(此时,不同债权人对于保险公司剩余资产的清偿次序是不同的。)
This paper analyzed the effect of appreciation of RMB on Chinese commercial Banks 'assets and liabilities, international settlement, management of capital adequacy ratio, etc.(本文从银行资产和负债、国际结算、外汇资金、资本充足率管理等多角度具体分析了此次人民币升值给我国商业银行带来的影响。)
Most exclude from the settlement assets acquired before the marriage (but Michigan and Colorado don't).(大多数州不认可婚前得到的协议资产(但是密歇根州和科罗拉多州认可)。)
Forwards are agreements in which assets are bought and sold at current prices for settlement at a later specified time and date.(远期合约是(双方)以确定的价格买卖资产并在未来某个约定的时间加以交付的协议。)
Results of the settlement of the enterprise assets.(企业资产的处理结果。)
This week's ruling partially relaxes those criteria, making it easier for spouses, especially rich ones, to rely on agreements that keep specific assets outside a divorce settlement.(本周法庭判决时多少放松了上述标准。因此,配偶,尤其是较为富裕的一方,较容易援引婚前协议,保护自己的特定资产不牵涉入财产分割中。)
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