as soon as possible

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as soon as possible

更新时间:2024-09-20 04:40:53

英 [æz su:n æz ˈpɔsəbl]

美 [æz sun æz ˈpɑsəbəl]

as soon as possible基本解释

尽快; 越快越好


  • 网络解释

1. 越快越好:162. What does she like? 她喜欢什么? | 163. As soon as possible! 越快越好! | 164. He can hardly speak. 他几乎说不出话来.

2. 尽可能快:Are you kidding me? 你在跟我开玩笑吧? | As soon as possible! 尽可能快! | Back in a moment! 马上回来!

3. 尽快回复:104. DLTM 不要向我说谎. Don't lie to me. | 105. ASAP 尽快回复. as soon as possible. | 106. NRN 不必回复. No reply necessary.


4. as soon as possible:asap; 尽快

  • 临近词
It is spending $850M on research and development to get to the market place as soon as possible with faster microprocessors.(研发上投入了$8.5亿,以期尽快将更快速的微处理器投放市场。)
I'll let you know as soon as possible.(我会尽快告诉您的。)
We will get your order to you as soon as possible.(我们将会把您的订货尽早送达。)
Passengers of Flight FA 320, please go through Gate 6 with your boarding cards as soon as possible.(FA320航班的乘客请尽快持登机牌从6号门登机。)
We'd like it as soon as possible.(我们希望越快越好。)
First, when you get your bike, whether it's new or second-hand, bring it as soon as possible to us.(首先,当你得到你的自行车,无论是新的还是二手的,尽快把它带给我们。)
Level Global and Loch saw investors redeem money as soon as possible because of the raid, even though they haven't been charged with any wrongdoing.(目前水平国际和Loch公司看到投资者因为此次突袭而尽快赎回资金,尽管他们没有受到任何不当行为的指控。)
They have to replant the seedbeds as soon as possible.(他们必须尽快在苗床上重新培育上新苗。)
In the past few years, we have talked with BEA management many times, hoping to complete this good transaction as soon as possible.(在过去的几年中,我们曾多次与BEA管理层进行对话,希望能尽快完成这宗不错的交易。)
You should drop the course as soon as possible.(你应该尽快逃课。)
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