My father was a born aristocrat.(我父亲是个天生的贵族。)
Anna Christie was a born aristocrat.(安娜·克里斯蒂是个天生的贵族。)
Further up, I ran into a man dressed like an aristocrat.(他是一个道道地地的贵族。)
Gwendolen's path crosses that of Daniel Deronda, a young aristocrat of mysterious origins (even to himself).(关德琳家的路与(甚至对他自己来说)身份神秘的年轻贵族丹尼尔·德龙拉家的路交叉在一起。)
If the two marry, it will be the first time in history that a future king has married a commoner who is not an aristocrat.(如果他们两人结婚,这将是有史以来第一次,一位未来的国王和一位没有贵族血统的平民女子结婚。)
Her haughty manners were meant to deceive us into thinking she was an aristocrat.(她那趾高气扬的行为是故意要欺骗我们使我们认为她是一个贵族。)
Moreover she is not an aristocrat, she is only a minor official's daughter.(况且她不是一个贵族,她只是一个小官吏的女儿。)
In the European upper circles of society's philosophy, "the lake" has been aristocrat status representative.(在欧洲上流社会的造屋哲学中,“湖”一直是贵族身份与气度的优雅表征。)
The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell.(大幕拉开,最后一幕戏开演,贵族独自一人坐在铁窗后阴暗的牢房里。这一句中,curtain和goup也是很实用的搭配。)
Neither do I, but only a hundred years ago this knowledge was as vital for an aristocrat as dancing and polite conversation.(我也不知道,不过在一百年以前这点学问对于贵族来说就和跳舞和有教养的交谈一样重要。)
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