比较级: angrier 最高级: angriest
比较级: angrier 最高级: angriest
1. feeling or showing anger
e.g. angry at the weather
angry customers
an angry silence
sending angry letters to the papers
2. (of the elements) as if showing violent anger
e.g. angry clouds on the horizon
furious winds
the raging sea
Synonym: furiousragingtempestuouswild
3. severely inflamed and painful
e.g. an angry sore
1. 发怒的;生气的;愤怒的
When you are angry, you feel strong dislike or impatience about something.
e.g. She had been very angry at the person who stole her new bike...
e.g. Are you angry with me for some reason?...
2. (伤口或疹子)肿痛的,红肿的
An angry wound or rash is red and painful.
e.g. He was badly concussed, the glass leaving two angry cuts across his forehead.
3. (天空或海洋)天昏地暗的,狂风暴雨的
If you describe the sky or sea as angry, you mean that it is dark and stormy.
Angry is normally used to talk about some-one's mood or feelings on a particular occasion. If someone is often angry, you can describe them as bad-tempered. She's a bad-tempered young lady. If someone is very angry, you can describe them as furious. Senior police officers are furious at the blunder. If they are less angry, you can describe them as annoyed or irritated. The Premier looked annoyed but calm. ...a man irritated by the barking of his neighbour's dog. Typically, someone is irritated by something because it happens constantly or continually. If someone is often irritated, you can describe them as irritable.1.
1. 生气的:例如,在我们教表示人物心情的一些形容词,如高兴的(happy)和生气的(angry),我们可以在人物简笔画中稍微改变一下图中嘴型的形状(图3),就会收到很好的效果.
2. 生气:评价分为非常高兴(Very Happy)、高兴(Pleased)、满足(Content)、生气(Angry)、非常生气(Very Angry)几个级别. 要保证市民们稳定的生活,其评价至少要达到满足级别. 如果评价是非常生气的话,再不改变现状,市民们就会离开城市,
3. 气愤:基于124个网页 - 开心 哈哈,我们的纳美星美女出来了,进到这个画面大体上就算完成了,不过还可以多做一些设定,在左边可以选择表情要开心(Happy)还是气愤(Angry),右边可以选择背景及性别,然后在图上动动鼠标,你会发现照片的脸 ..
Where it concerns himself, Who's angry at a slander makes it true.
出自:JonsonI had never been angry with her beforesannoyed sometimes,..but never more.
出自:H. E. BatesI was angry with him, angry that he should allow me to talk to him like this.
出自:D. StoreyI was still very angry about your not letting me stay.
出自:C. HamptonWhen he's angry?