Parts of Alabama were utterly ruined, but most of the state was untouched.(亚拉巴马州部分地区完全被毁,但该州大部分地区未受到袭击。)
This is not a traditional classroom scene, but it has become common enough in Alabama.(这并非是一个传统课堂的景象,但是在阿拉巴马州来说这最普通不过了。)
Yet Alabama police exercised the discretion the law afforded them to deny King's permit request.(但阿拉巴马州的警察却利用法律赋予他们慎重处理的能力,拒绝了马丁·路德。金的申请。)
Georgia and Alabama abound in lakes and rivers.(佐治亚州与阿拉巴马州湖泊河流众多。)
If you’re looking for solid marriages, head to Massachusetts, not Alabama.(如果你追求稳固的家庭关系的话,那么去马萨诸塞州而不是阿拉巴马。)
In addition to Alabama, officials say the storms have killed 32 people in Mississippi.(官员们说,除了阿拉巴马州,暴风雨已在密西西比州造成32人丧生。)
For example: There's a large statue of Vulcan outside Birmingham, Alabama.(例如:在亚拉巴马州伯明翰市外有一个巨大的Vulcan雕像。)
In Alabama, it might even be tacitly welcome.(在阿拉巴马州,新法甚至可能会受人们心照不宣的欢迎。)
That legal water war among Georgia, Alabama, and Florida has raged for 20 years.(关于这些水资源的法律官司已经在佐治亚州、亚拉巴马州和福罗里达州打了快20多年了。)
She was reunited with her boyfriend in the bus depot of Ozark, Alabama.(她和她的男朋友在亚拉巴马州的奥扎克汽车站重新团聚了。)
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