1. He or she then receives a test kit in the mail and sends in the saliva sample in a vial.
2. The FBI said on Tuesday that a letter containing a vial of the poison ricin was mailed in November to the White House.
a vial的意思1. Compare to the price of a 10 mL 200mg Vial of name brand Depo-Testosterone $91.99 or 5 mL 200mg Vial Delatestryl $83.88?
比较价格的10毫升200毫克小瓶名牌孕酮,睾酮九十一点九九美元或 5毫升200瓶Delatestryl八十三点八八美元?
2. Required when using four 6751 vial sets in a 6850 Freezer/Mill.
在 6870 冷冻研磨机内可使用6806 附件,它可同时容纳4个6751或者6771样品瓶进行工作。
3. The EMP 5160 uses a proven robotics system to move baskets of tissue from one vial to another and agitates at the time and force you program, at the temperature you desire.
4. Add a small amount (one spatula-tip full) of ferrocene to one vial and the acetylation product to the other vial. The solution
5. A drop in the price of molybdenum, a byproduct of copper mining used to strengthen steel, is also cutting earnings at Codelco and Freeport, Larrain Vial`s Ponce said.
Larrain Vial`s Ponce 说,Codelco 和 Freeport 公司的钼价下跌,这类曾今可以巩固钢制品的铜矿的副产品,也开始减少收益了。
6. Standard solution—Transfer an accurately weighed amount, not more than 100mg, of USP Choline Chloride RS to a 24-mLscrew-capped vial, and add 400mg of 3, 5-dinitrobenzoyl chloride and 10mLof acetonitrile.
标准溶液-精确称量一定量的氯化胆碱,不超过100mg加入到24ml的螺旋冒的小瓶中,加入400mg的3,5-dinitrobenzoyl chloride和10ml的乙腈。
7. A test strip vial for storing and dispensing test strips for measuring a analyte value in a sample of bodily fluid is provided.
8. The vial further includes a cassette inserted in the base container for holding a supply of test strips and dispensing the test strips one- by-one from the vial using a dispensing mechanism.
9. The catalyst precursor 2 (6.3 mg, 0.02 mmol) was dissolved in PF6 (0.5 mL) and methanol (3.2 mL) in a 20 mL vial.
催化剂的前兆 2 ( 6.3毫克,0.02 mmol )被解散,pf6 ( 0.5毫升)和甲醇( 3.2毫升)在20 ml安瓿。
10. The cytologic findings of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma were confirmed utilizing a dual color break apart FISH probe which identified the FKHR translocation on the cytospin preparation prepared from a ThinPrep vial and processed as a cytospin preparation.
11. If this is what you want confirm that you want to help Kolgrim and he'll give you a vial with dragon's blood.
12. Entered were incorrect, Sophie's outward force on the ends would be transferred to a hinged lever inside, which would pivot downward into the cavity and apply pressure to the glass vial, eventually shattering it if she pulled too hard.
13. a vial
13. Vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of of of of
和合本:启 16:17 第七位天使把碗倒在空中,就有大声音从殿中的宝座上出来,说,成了。
14. But, just as it started working and Tyler was ready to go home, the family got one more shocker: The price of the drug, called Acthar, or ACTH, had just increased from $1, 600 to $23, 000 a vial — and the family's insurer would not pay for the two vials they needed.
15. What if, right now, there is somebody out there with a vial or syringe that could potentially wipe out the human race from the face of the Earth?
16. Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not b...
10:1 撒母耳拿瓶膏油倒在扫罗的头上,与他亲嘴,说,这不是耶和华膏你作他产业的君吗。
17. Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath a
10:1 撒母耳拿瓶膏油倒在扫罗的头上,与他亲嘴,说,这不是耶和华膏你作他产业的君吗。
18. Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it
19. Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath anointed th...
10:1 撒母耳拿瓶膏油倒在扫罗的头上,与他亲嘴,说,这不是耶和华膏你作他产业的君吗。
20. Remove vaccine vial and diluent small aluminum bottle cap, bottle stopper with an alcohol swab to clean the surface of the alcohol to dry the surface to be stopper will diluent syringe needle inserted into the bottle, taking 3ml diluent into the vaccine bottle. vaccine vial until the vaccine as a suspension, and then pumped to the needle inside the suspension.