a quarter to ten

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a quarter to ten

更新时间:2024-09-20 04:33:51
  • 双语例句

1. a quarter to ten的近义词

1. Over the past six regular seasons (since 2003-04), the Rockets had ten offensive boards in a quarter only once fourth period in a loss to Miami on Jan.

2. a quarter to ten的解释

2. We can meet at a quarter to ten.

3. You must be home at a quarter to ten.

4. a quarter to ten

4. It`s a quarter to ten.


5. You ought to be habitat at a quarter to ten.

6. Man: It's a quarter to ten.

7. a quarter to ten是什么意思

7. Shall we go to the park at a quarter to ten?

8. a quarter to ten的解释

8. The chateau clock had just struck a quarter to ten, and he had still not ventured angthing.


9. Securities companies, nine from the electronics industry stocks of the top ten list of shareholders to withdraw, to some extent, avoided the third quarter of the industry decline of 25%; the third quarter fell 17 percent in the textile and garment industry stocks, has been six securities companies to reduce, the number of shares from the second quarter of 3830 when the shares fell to 1706 million, a drop of 56%; the third quarter of the overall drop of 28 percent of the petroleum and petrochemical industries, as many as nine stocks are securities companies to reduce, the number of shares from the second quarter when the 8028 decreased to 11, 452 million shares, a drop of 30%.


10. At a quarter to eleven this morning, the ten millionth automobile rolled off the assembly line at the First Auto Works in Changchun.

11. a quarter to ten的翻译

11. Four in ten childless women say they're not ready to give up their lifestyle-and a quarter still feel too young for a child.

12. a quarter to ten的翻译

12. Four in ten admit they have simply swept dirt from a kitchen surface or table onto the floor, while a quarter have used a dish cloth to mop up a spillage on the floor and just put it back.

13. a quarter to ten

13. 'Get up, you fat, lazy thing!'Harris shouted.'It's a quarter to ten!'

14. a quarter to ten的解释

14. The murder was committed between a quarter to ten and the hour.


15. Joe had been at the Three Jolly Bargemen, smoking his pipe, from a quarter after eight o'clock to a quarter before ten.

16. Meryl: Yes, it's only a quarter to ten and we've been at it for almost four hours.

17. An analysis of handsets found almost a quarter were so dirty that they had up to ten times an acceptable level of TVC bacteria.

  • 临近词
  • a
  • a stiff'un
Contrary to his usual habit (he was almost always late) Pierre arrived at the Bergs' not at ten minutes to eight, but at a quarter to eight.(皮埃尔违反他一向迟到的习惯,这天不是八点差十分,而是八点差一刻就到了贝格家里。)
An analysis of handsets found almost a quarter were so dirty that they had up to ten times an acceptable level of TVC bacteria.(一项对手机的研究分析发现,近四分之一的手机十分肮脏,所携带的细菌量高达可接受细菌安全值的十倍。)
It is a quarter to ten.(现在是十点差一刻。)
You must be home at a quarter to ten.(你必须在差一刻十点到家。)
The clock on the wall said a quarter to ten.(墙上的挂钟指着九点三刻。)
It's a quarter to ten now.(现在十点差一刻。)
It's a quarter to ten. I must finish the quiz quickly.(差一刻十点,我得赶快完成测验。)
Joe had been at the Three Jolly Bargemen, smoking his pipe, from a quarter after eight o'clock to a quarter before ten.(昨天晚上,乔到三个快乐的船夫酒家,从八点一刻到九点三刻都在那里抽烟。)
Meryl:Yes, it's only a quarter to ten and we've been at it for almost four hours.(梅里尔:是啊,现在才九点四十五分,而我们已经工作了将近四小时。)
She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten.(她上床睡觉约四分之一到十。)
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