a host of

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a host of

更新时间:2024-09-20 04:33:47
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a host of

1. The Obamas were joined by a host of Olympic athletes and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

2. It was a symbol of closeness and a gesture of friendship demonstrated by the host.

3. Putting a camping mattress on the floor of the living room is something a good host wants to avoid.

4. He saw it as the pioneer city of the opening up and reform, and was certain it will be a capable host of the 2010 Asian Games.

5. The Caribbean festival of cricket badly needed a lift after host West Indies lost for the third time in a row on Sunday.

6. That makes Jiuzhaigou Valley the first scenic site in China that has a daily ceiling on the number of tourists it can host.

7. Playing host to humans - that it could have jolly well done without - for a quarter of a century has left Jiuzhaigou shaken.

8. Oil prices are charging ahead along with a host of commodities that are enticing speculators seeking hedges against a weakening dollar.

9. Many of these children show great interest in broadcasting and some cherish dreams of someday becoming a program host.

10. The president was also rebuffed after making a high profile pitch for his home city of Chicago to host the 2016 Olympics.

1. Although the term potluck suggests a random assortment of dishes, it s likely to turn out better when the host does some kind organization by discussing with and assigning your guests a specific course or beverage to bring along.
尽管 potluck 一词含有随意携带食物之意,倘若主人与客人商议并分配下各自应带食品或饮料,效果可能会好得多,不然就有可能出现客人都只带餐后甜点的情况

2. The artificial imitates the process of the enzyme is to regards certain organism numerator as the live center of its enzyme to imitate to suffer, the modifier produces the live catalyst group regiment with the tiny environment in special space, and we study its host and guest for identifying matching with function, further quested a process for biological phenomenon.

3. Absrtact: It does not doubt that Chinese women's volleyball establishes as champion - defended the title and the host of Beijing Olympic G ames to capture the g oal of champion again, the tactical analysis for major competitor prepares for war in a very important work.
摘 要:中国女排作为北京奥运会的东道主和卫冕冠军,确立再次夺取冠军的目标是毋庸置疑的,对于主要对手的战术分析是备战中一项非常重要的工作。

4. a host of的意思

4. Zhao Zhongxiang style well-known show host recently participated in a talk show of the recording and filming in the program, said Zhao Zhongxiang its some programs deny Kam Po views.

5. a host of的解释

5. A selftest procedure can be started in operational mode for testing of the complete signal evaluation path including the micromachined sensor IC structure, the evaluation ASIC and the physical connection to the host system.
自检程序可以在工作模式时开动以进行完整信号的测试。检测途径包括微传感器芯片的结构,检测 ASIC 和连接到主机系统的物理连接。

6. a host of

6. SZEGED, Hungary, Oct 1-Hungary, the Crech Republic and Romania will host a 500-million-euro($728.5 million) pioneering laser facility with a wide range of advanced sientific applications, Hungary said Thursday.

7. I'll walk you through some of the intangible factors you should consider when selecting a shared host.

8. a host of

8. The immobilization antigenof Ichthyophthirius multifiliisis primarily a protective antigen, which was of great importance in inducing host to produce the protective immunity, and it was also the primarily candidated antigen for the development of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis vaccines.

9. Nature has been generous with Torino: the lovely Chieri and Monferrato hills to the south; to the north, the breathtaking skyline of the Alps, and a decisive factor for choosing Torino as host for the 20th Winter Olympics.
大自然对于都灵是如此的慷慨:位于南侧的可爱的 Chieri 和 Monferrato 山,在北边有令人惊叹的阿尔卑斯山矗立在天地之间,这个是都灵被选为2006年冬奥会举办地的决定性的因素。

10. Nature has been generous with Torin the lovely Chieri and Monferrato hills to the south; to the north, the breathtaking skyline of the Alps, and a decisive factor for choosing Torino as host for the 20th Winter Olympics.
大自然对于都灵是如此的慷慨:位于南侧的可爱的 Chieri 和 Monferrato 山,在北边有令人惊叹的阿尔卑斯山矗立在天地之间,这个是都灵被选为2006年冬奥会举办地的决定性的因素。

11. In addition, there are a host of cameos and other surprises for fans of Sega games.

12. However, the first stretch of 2008 is paved with a host of potential...

13. Do not A job intermediary agencies passing a host of our is a woman always give you special fast into her mind does not allow you to speak (because the learned in one not to speak to each other that sales of time don't let a person think money orders received after signing for opportunities to talk to each other, so that her why do so), she says if I pay 300 yuan deposit immediately can give me around to find a job as an office clerk said, easy to work immediately call immediately.

14. Xylostella larvae. Parasitization of a host larva without contact of the host plant did not influence the preference of the waspstowards volatiles from host plants.

15. Radio talk shows on radio hotline function of the depth of development, including analysis, communication and services, ease of function, audience communication with the host, talk, can play a purification of the mind, ease the contradiction between the role of people come to their senses.

16. There are a host of players with talent in our Leagues and that will be an advantage for me.

17. a host of是什么意思

17. Recently, my machines are frequently out of love, the reason is unknown, the name of the host to open a bolder look, shocked fans do not switch to the host, re-buy the idea of a fan just from the brain immediately 里钻 out by their own 掐灭 Now it has been comparatively SLOT1 difficult to find the fan, and I have decided to upgrade a few months later P4, now the fans can invest in waste; not to mention the current Intel Original fan or fans do!
最近我的爱机经常出现故障,原因不详,打着胆子打开主机一看,吓了一跳,主机风扇根本不转,重新去买一个风扇的念头刚刚从脑子里钻出来就立即被自己掐灭了,现在 SLOT1的风扇已经比较难找了,而且我已经决定几个月后升级 P4,现在的这个风扇投资可就浪费了;何况现在这个风扇还是 Intel 原装风扇呢!

18. The results indicate that female wasps deposit HMPs on the chorion of host eggs with her ovipositor near the end of egg-laying process. Na ye females do not posses the ability for recognizing the marking pheromones and have to obtain the ability though the learning process, in which the wasp inserts her ovipositor into a host egg to determine whether the egg has been parasitized followed by antennal drumming on the exterior. Once the learning process is completed, the female wasp will be able to discriminate between parasitized and unparasitized hosts and reject a parasitized egg by simply drumming on the exterior of the egg. Learning plays an important role in reducing initial rejection time when an unsuitable host is encountered. Female wasps of T. astriniae can quickly learn to associate the presence of a HMP on host egg chrion with the internal status of the egg.

19. After removal it is advised to either flush the tick down the toilet or put it in a container full of isopropyl alcohol to both kill it and preserve it just in case an illness befalls the host shortly after.

20. Quick quiz: What vital nutrient may protect against cancer, heart disease, stroke, bone fractures, and a host of other diseases?

  • 临近词
The optimizer performs complex calculations based on a host of information.(优化器根据许多信息执行复杂的计算。)
Preparations for the ‘09 season accelerate with a host of car launches.(随着新车陆续发布,09赛季的准备工作开始加速。)
Ginger: Ginger contains a host of health benefits.(姜:姜对健康有很多益处。)
A host of friends meet him at the railroad station.(一大群朋友在火车站迎接他。)
A host of new legal questions will also have to be answered.(很多新的法律问题将同样给予回答。)
And for good reason: Plants offer a host of health benefits.(因为有好的理由:植物提供有关健康的许多好处。)
A host of problems may delay the opening of the new bridge.(一大堆问题也许会延迟新建桥梁的开通。)
Resentment hatred ill will and hostility are behind a host of maladies.(怨恨、憎恨、恶意、敌意这些是导致大量病痛的诱因。)
A machine designed for remote areas with bumpy roads and a host of other calamities.(这台机器是为偏远地区崎岖不平的道路和许多其他灾难而设计的。)
The study opens up a host of questions for future research.(这项研究为今后的科研拓展了广阔的空间。)
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