Yellow Mountain

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Yellow Mountain

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:54:17
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Yellow Mountain

1. He brought marble from Canada to use as a " mountain " and carved a yellow and a red piece of pumpkin to resemble maple leaves.

2. After the touch of a child's hands, the bottle will instantly display an ink and water painting of the Yellow Mountain.

3. Hefei is now striving to become the best distribution center for visitors from areas around Bohai Bay traveling to Yellow Mountain.

4. The restaurant brings in salted meat from the Yellow Mountain in Anhui Province, where the high altitude gives the cured meat a distinctive flavor.

5. Even the name Huangshan Mountain is related to the story of the Yellow Emperor's making of pills of immortality.

6. It's at this point that Yellow Mountain has one last surprise in store for me.

7. The 1840m high peak is home to Yellow Mountain's meteorological observatory and reputed to offer superb views to the East.

8. Astride the Yangtze River and close to Anhui province's esteemed Yellow Mountain stands the famous Buddhist mountain of Jiuhua.

9. MY TIP The scenery here is OK but not " amazing " compared with the rest of Yellow Mountain.

10. As Yellow Mountain disappears into the background I reflect on the last 3 days, relaxing in the knowledge that this has been a New Year holiday to remember.

Yellow Mountain的反义词


1. Yellow Mountain is one of the most beautiful mountains I have ever known.

2. The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China.

3. Someday, ego and nonego watched Minbo Mountain, Kunlun Mountain and the graveyard of Yellow Emperor in samadhi.


4. The last leg, no jungle no canebrake, only yellow and green weed cover the whole mountain top, seems like a becoming balding man enjoy his last chance--to high light his short hair in yellow!


5. The flowerer of yellow mountain is very abundant, among them many is an all rare delicacy, such as beauty flower, yellow mountain azalea, camellia, plum tree flower, liliaceous, crape myrtle(also call red on the 100th), arethusa and winter jasmine etc..

6. When it was in autumn, mountain appeared clear and light yellow and the blue sky seemed to be higher.

7. Autumn was fading, and the breaths of winter pervaded the city. At the foot of Baojiao Tower, Baoshi Mountain was crowned with foliage of green and yellow.

8. He found that, Guilin has a very rich landscape of meteorological resources, in addition to people familiar with the sunrise, sea of clouds, misty rain, snow, etc., the more people know the Baoguang rare landscape resources. More than three months, Lai Ma than the stars in nine mountain paintings, yellow cloth and the old Beach Village, the area met many times and photographed the scene presented Baoguang, with March 14-15 at 7-9 am for two consecutive days before and after taken the most wonderful pictures.

9. Guangxi at elevation of 700~1300 m, and stretching right to the yellow brown soil mountain of

10. Yellow mountain at Qin Dynasty(221-207 B. C.) be called Yi mountain, at 747 years(tang dynasty day treasure six years) just have this name.


11. For decades, companies have, in chronological order, and participate in the construction of the Qingtongxia Yellow River Water Conservancy Project, a five-phase expansion project in Shizuishan Power Plant and Power Plant project in Yinchuan, Shaanxi plant trees in the construction and installation of 2 × 25 MW unit project, the Qinghai Qiaotou installation of 2 × 125MW unit, Ningxia Dam Power Plant installation of 2 × 300MW unit, Ningxia Shizuishan Power Plant 4 × 330MW expansion project, which Lai 2 × 330MW power plant expansion project, the Helan Mountain Wind Power Plant project, the station is flexible installation of 2 × 135MW unit, the western PVC projects.

12. Yellow Mountain是什么意思

12. People gradually tally up the four greatest characteristics and attraction of a yellow mountain:Strange loose and strange stone, a sea of clouds and hot springs.

13. We had a grand view of the sea of clouds when we climbed to the top of the Yellow Mountain.

14. Yellow Mountain在线翻译

14. The mountain turned clean with light yellow color in autumn days, all these set the blue sky even higher.

15. How did you get to yellow mountain?

16. I have been to the Yellow mountain before.

17. I think I will relax to go to Yellow Mountain.

18. I think i would go to the Yellow Mountain for relax.

19. Yellow Mountain

19. This was the first time that I climbed to the top of the Yellow Mountain.

20. Yellow Mountain在线翻译

20. Heron bird snow white with mountain greenish yellow, forms the striking bright contrast.

  • 临近词
We climbed Yellow Mountain.(我们爬黄山。)
Field trip to Yellow Mountain: Detail to be announced.(黄山地质旅行:细节、费用待定。)
Here, I put the yellow mountain "four unique" respectively, made a presentation.(在这里,我把黄山“四绝”分别作个介绍吧。)
I had an interesting experience in Yellow Mountain.(我在黄山有一次很有趣的经历。)
The beautiful Yellow Mountain stands ready to warmly welcome all tourists home and abroad.(美丽的黄山充满热情地时刻准备着迎接海内外的朋友们。)
Mei Qing is one of the representatives of "the Painting School of Yellow Mountain" during the Ming and Qing Dynasty.(梅清是明清之际“黄山画派”的代表人物之一,他的绘画艺术和美学思想在中国画史上都有重要的地位和影响。)
"Normally September is quiet season in the Yellow Mountain, but because of the G20, the hotels charged tourists the same as peak season," said Ms Gao.(高小姐说:ŵ“9月份一般是黄山景区的淡季,但因为G20的原因,现在旅馆收费和旺季一样高了。”)
Some feared that the large crowds at Yellow Mountain were dangerous.(有人担心黄山人太多会带来危险。)
We went to Yellow Mountain by bus.(我们乘公共汽车去黄山。)
Though many tourist spots provide a place for people to hang love locks, the Yellow Mountain is the most famous.(虽然现在很多景点都设有给人们挂同心锁的地方,可是黄山的同心锁仍然是最最有名的。)
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