You have the choice of night fishing in the Mediterranean, or windsurfing on a lake in Switzerland.(你可选择在地中海夜间垂钓,或是在瑞士的湖上玩帆板。)
It is a Swiss company, but only a small proportion of its production takes place in Switzerland.(它是一家瑞士的公司,但是它在瑞士只生产很少一部分产品。)
I lived in Switzerland for a year, and then I lived in Italy for two years.(我在瑞士住了一年,然后在意大利住了两年。)
The River Rhine rises in Switzerland.(莱茵河发源于瑞士。)
Boys in Switzerland and Portugal were least likely to dedicate two hours a day to sitting in front of a computer.(瑞士和葡萄牙的男孩最不可能每天花两个小时坐在电脑前。)
Switzerland was neutral during the war.(瑞士在战争期间保持了中立。)
The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland.(前几天我们接待了一些瑞士的来访者。)
I'm on my way to Switzerland, but I've lost my card. I've got to get a duplicate.(我在去瑞士的路上,但是我的卡丢了。我得弄张补发卡。)
Similarly, less urbanized countries such as Cambodia and Ghana had voting rights for women long before Switzerland did.(同样,在柬埔寨和加纳等城市化程度较低的国家,妇女拥有投票权的时间比瑞士的要早得多。)
Switzerland is completely landlocked.(瑞士完全是个内陆国。)
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