He finally took a break and during eight months in Santa Fe, Zappaterra learned about alternative healing techniques not taught at Harvard.(最终,他休息了一下并且在圣菲待了8个月。在那里,Zappaterra学到一些在哈佛没有的另类的康复技术。)
It has vanished as surely as one's belief in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy.(毫无疑问,人们对于圣诞老人或牙仙的信仰已经消失了。)
He sadly replied, "No, Santa Clause can't bring it to her."(他伤心地回答:“不,圣诞老人不能把它带给她。”)
To me, that would have been crucial; after all, I wouldn't tell a child there is no Santa Claus or why I am an atheist without a parent's permission.(对我来说,这却很重要;毕竟,如果没有孩子父母的同意,我绝不会告诉一个孩子,圣诞老人是不存在的,或者向他解释为什么我是一个无神论者。)
Santa traditionally navigates the frosty night skies December 24th without using a compass or a chart to plot his course.(圣诞老人通常在12月24日寒冷的夜空中航行,而不用罗盘或海图来规划路线。)
He's the one who probably would be the first to tell you there is no Santa Claus.(他是第一个告诉你世上不存在圣诞老人的人。)
Regardless of which version of Santa Claus you believe in, there is only one thing you need to know—that Santa Claus lives in Greenland.(无论你相信的是哪个版本的圣诞老人,你只需要知道一件事——圣诞老人居住在格陵兰。)
Santa Claus brought the doll to the boy's sister.(圣诞老人把娃娃送给了男孩的妹妹。)
Who advised Amy to write to Santa Claus?(谁建议艾米写信给圣诞老人?)
Tom then conjured up the idea that if a beautiful woman like Sara were in Santa Fe, she must be there on a romantic weekend with a boyfriend.(然后汤姆突然想到,如果一个像萨拉那样的漂亮女人在圣达菲,她一定会和她的男朋友在那里度过一个浪漫的周末。)
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