英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 16:32:07
  • 网络解释

1. Regan的近义词

1. 里根:纳奥米.沃茨(NaomiWatts)将加盟新版<>(KingLear),扮演李尔王de大女儿高纳里尔(Goneril),此前制片方已经确定凯拉.奈特莉(KeiraKnightley)扮演李尔王最疼愛de小女儿考狄利娅(Cordelia),格温妮斯.帕特罗(GwynethPaltrow)扮演李尔王de二女儿里根(Regan).


2. 里根 爱尔兰 帝王的;国王:Reg 雷哲 德国 帝王的;国王. | Regan 里根 爱尔兰 帝王的;国王. | Reginald 雷吉诺德 德国 强而有力的领导者.

3. 雷根 爱尔兰 帝王的;国王:Reg 雷哲 --德国 --帝王的;国王 | Regan 雷根 --爱尔兰 --帝王的;国王 | Reginald 雷吉诺德 --德国 --强而有力的领导者

4. 爱尔兰 帝王的;国王:Reg 德国 帝王的;国王 | Regan 爱尔兰 帝王的;国王 | Reginald 德国 强而有力的领导者

She also says that on one occasion, Regan hung up on her in the middle of a phone conversation.(她还表示,有一次,在电话交谈中,里根挂了她的电话。)
If Ronald Regan ever faces some terrible crisis, he'll really spend sleepless afternoon.(如果里根碰上严重点儿的危机,他下午就睡不成觉了。)
While the networks claim that the products are easy to program and use, about 60 percent of homebuilders who have installed home automation devices hired professional help [source: Regan].(网上有人声称这些产品很容易生产并且使用起来很方便,能够提供家庭自动化设备安装服务的建筑公司里大约有60%的公司都有专业的技术顾问【来源:Regan】。)
These are good ideas. But if all customers pick the lowest prices, those tariffs will rise, says Ronan o 'regan of PwC, a consultancy.(这不失为好主意,普华永道顾问罗南·奥涅格说,但是如果所有的消费者都选择了价格最低廉的公司,那么报价还是会上涨。)
"She USES passion and style, and people are drawn in," says Mr Regan.(“她将展示热情和风格的力量,然后大家就被吸引住了,”里根说。)
Regan speculated that this particular number is troublesome because it is the "largest subnormal double-precision floating-point number."(Regan推测这个特殊数字的麻烦之处在于它是“最大的次法线双精度浮点数”。)
Regan MacNeil: I was possessed by a demon. It's OK. He's gone.(瑞根:我刚被魔鬼附体,好了,他走了。)
Rosenbaum thinks Regan can beat Jimmy Carter.(罗森鲍姆认为里根能击败吉米·卡特。)
So, Goneril and Regan proceed to deceive their father with lavish expressions of love.(因此,贡纳莉和里根开始用夸张的词藻来欺骗自己的父亲。)
Computer scientist Rick Regan first reported the bug on Monday, and the PHP development team issued patches the following day.(计算机专家RickRegan于周一首先报告了这个错误,PHP开发小组第二天公布了相关补丁。)
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