Every great thing to which our nation should aspire is within our reach if we have the spirit of an Olympian.(如采我们具有奥林匹克的精神,我们渴望取得的每一件伟大的事情都能办到。)
But I just kept thinking, wow, greatest Olympian of all time.(但是我在想,是啊,我成为奥运史上最伟大的运动员,还真挺酷的。)
Kapoor should seize this Olympian opportunity, and run like crazy.(卡普尔应该抓住这次奥运的机会好好疯一把。)
As an Olympian, I can tell you that they will carry this memory with them forever.(作为奥林匹克人,我可以说他们将永远带着这份记忆。)
It takes more than just practice to become an Olympian.(要成为奥运选手,仅仅刻苦训练是不够的。)
Because of this, she was rarely asked to attend important Olympian events.(正因为如此,很少问她出席重要奥海事件。)
But Zeus, the chief of the Olympian gods, gave law to mankind as his greatest present.(而奥林匹斯山众神之首宙斯把法律作为他最伟大的礼物赐予了人类。)
Rare is the athlete who can radiate Olympian calm at a modern-day Olympic games.(在当代奥运会上,身上还能散发出奥林匹亚那份平静的运动员少之又少。)
Even when those around her panic she always maintains an Olympian calm.(即使周围的人都惊慌不已,她也总是保持着超然的镇静。)
You must recognize that you're already an Olympian Within.(你必须坚信自己已经是一个奥运冠军。)
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