Stay in the euro at any cost.(不惜任何代价留在欧元区。)
The drachma disappeared, replaced by the euro when Greece joined the single European currency.(自希腊加入欧洲单一货币体系后,旧的希腊货币系统消失了,取而代之的是欧元。)
The euro fell on the foreign exchanges yesterday.(欧元汇价昨天下跌。)
The euro remained firm against the dollar, but fell against the yen.(欧元对美元依然坚挺,但对日元的汇率则下跌。)
The euro is getting stronger against the dollar.(欧元对美元呈强势走向。)
Greece's fourth-biggest lender may call a shareholder meeting to seek approval for a 500 million- euro capital increase.(希腊第四大银行可能会召开股东会议,寻求批准来增加5亿欧元资本。)
The euro embodies these aims.(欧元是这些目标的体现。)
The euro has fallen sharply.(欧元已经急剧贬值。)
The euro hit a record low in trading today.(今天欧元的兑换价降到了历史最低水平。)
Millions of words have been written about the introduction of the euro.(已有上百万的文字论及欧元的引入。)
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