"I think it's a Confucian thing," he MUSES.(“我想这是儒家的东西,”他想。)
Wealth and privilege, in Confucian fashion, are truly all in the family.(财富和权力在儒家看来都是都有着明显的家族特征。)
Consider the views of Jiang Qing, a leading Confucian intellectual.(领先的孔子学说智囊江清(音)有一种观点。)
Though raised on Confucian ideals by her beloved scholarly father, she is also a pioneer of Oriental media and marketing studies.(从小成长在她慈爱的父亲的儒家思想教育之下,于丹也是一位东方媒体与市场研究的探索者。)
The ideal wife was a modest mother and manager of the home, by Confucian custom love had secondary importance.(一名理想的妻子首先是一个温和的母亲和家庭的管理者,其次才是儒家式的爱。)
Even prison inmates are reportedly being taught Confucian philosophy.(甚至关押着的囚犯据说也在被传授儒家哲学。)
It is the Confucian way.(这是一种儒家作风。)
He set up a Confucian school that educated locals in a way that allowed them to better understand his customs.(他在当地建立了一所儒教学校,对当地人进行教育,帮助他们理解自己的主张。)
The use of deferential language is symbolic of the Confucian ideal of the woman, which dominates conservative gender norms in Japan.(使用恭敬的语言是儒家理想女性的象征,在日本保守的性别规范中占主导地位。)
To the question, "Who am I?" the Confucian answers, "I am the child of my parents and the parent of my children."(对于“我是谁?”这个问题,孔子学说的回答是,“我是我父母的子女,同时是我子女的父母”。)
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