Computer Studies

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Computer Studies

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:06:17

Computer Studies基本解释



  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. While young people pour into schools for advanced studies in foreign languages and computer science, the older generations also attend classes in the fields of their interest.

2. Hu has English lessons every Monday and Friday after school, and computer science studies every Tuesday and Thursday evening.

3. URUMQI - Petty Officer Cui Guoqiang studies computer science not in a university classroom, but in his barracks.

4. Studies have blamed excessive junk food and too many hours in front of television or computer screens rather than in the playground.

5. The main fear is that children will become obsessed with computer games and neglect their studies.

Computer Studies在线翻译

1. Computer Studies的解释

1. Manufacturing Databases and Computer Integrated Systems also presents case studies, including the TRW solution applied in Operation Desert Storm, Project CRONUS by BBN, the Intelligent Database Assistant by GTE, General Motor`s DATAPLEX solution, and Project Carnot by the Microelectronics and Computer Development Corporation.

2. He studied at an Undergraduate level in the UK for a Bsc in Applied Science and Computer Studies and got his MBA in Strategy and Finance from The University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business in the US.

3. The main studies of this paper is the marketing strategy of Lenovo computer in Guangzhou Airland CO. LTD. Lenovo is the NO.1 in IT industry of China. Guangzhou Airland CO. LTD is the main collaborator of Lenovo Guangzhou Airland CO. LTD is the biggest distribute channel of Lenovo in south china.

4. Computer Studies什么意思

4. This paper presents experimentation research and computer simulation studies of the projectile penetration into concrete.

5. ABSTRACT Computer recognition of handwritten Chinese characters is a popular research filed of considerable academic and industrial interests. This thesis studies the problem of HCCR on the basis of statistical approach, structural approach and neural networks approach respectively. The main work includes: 1、Building of Handwritten Chinese character database. About 300 sets of Chinese character handwriting samples are collected, each contains 3849 categories of characters in the GB23012-80 national standard Chinese character set I.

6. The aptitude and career interest were considered as the two dimension of the entrance guide system, and was proof-tested by the structural equation model, which results supported this two-dimension hypothesis. Accordingly, there were two parts in the guide system. One part was about the aptitude test, consisted of seven subtests: verbal reasoning, spatial imagining, mathematic reasoning, computer capacity, abstract reasoning, physical knowledge, and sentence recomposing. The other part was about the career interest test, including eight aspects: career longing, curriculum desire, entertainment after school, activity preference, job preference, work environment preference, self-estimate of one's abilities, and discuss future with someone else. After three times modification and testing, the psychometric indices of the guide system were become well and stable. Furthermore, the guide system was primarily launched into applying, with four typical case studies, the practicability and serviceability of the guide system was showed swiftly. The entrance guide system for junior high school students that was developed in this research was one-upping in the entrance guide field in China.

7. Computer Studies的意思

7. The mechanism model of lift system was proposed using SimMechanics modules. The improved throttle model was utilized, the model of hydraulic system was built based on the method of node analysis, and the model could be calculated by computer easily. The whole simulation model was established combining mechanism model and hydraulic model by the parameter relationship, and the simulation results were given, and it is aimed to be beneficial for performance analysis of lift mechanism and application studies of intellective control strategies.

8. Computer Studies是什么意思

8. English Language, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Liberal Studies, Computer Literacy, Design And24208893 CHRISTIANITY
英国语文、数学、科学、历史、地理、通识教育、普通电脑科、设计与科技、家政、视觉艺术、音乐、英文基督教KWAI CHUNG,NT

9. This thesis is based on the traditional ferrogram technology, at the same time, applies the new studies achievements and computer technology, which has improved and perfected the ferrogram technology.

10. This thesis studies particularly the medium flow field in a quenching tank and its relationship with the temperature field, the microstructure field and the internal stress field of a shaft-type test-piece, by using computer simulation and experiment examination.

11. Her favourite subject is Computer Studies.

12. This paper studies the implementation of parity checking in DNA computer, which can help to improve the reliability of DNA computing.


13. The quenching process computer simulation combined with practical production was developed based on the synthesizing of the present sophisticated achievements of numerical algorithm, heat conduction, thermotics and transformation dynamics, solid mechanics analysis, and the accuracy of model was testified. The studies of this dissertation made an attempt on the application of quenching simulation into the practical productions.

14. The paper studies multimedia environment supported by middle-leveled technology (such as computer added with projector or television set, projector added with public computer labs), which is the common teaching environment in most countryside schools in China in future. So the result of this study is characterized with being representative and common.

15. Studies have shown that most of the computer keyboard on the number of bacteria should be much higher than the number of bacteria in the toilet.

16. And computer studies will be the most important subjects in school.

17. And computer studies will be one of the most important subjects in school then.

18. Computer Studies是什么意思

18. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then.

19. His son studies in Computer Science Department.

20. I have done computer studies and have a three-year working experience.

  • 临近词
The device studies patterns of brainwave activity and turns them into a moving image on a computer screen.(这台仪器分析脑电波的活动模式,并把它们转换成电脑屏幕上的活动图像。)
We have computer Studies in the computer room.(我在机房里上计算机课。)
Has computer studies been introduced into the school curriculum?(计算机学习已列入学校课程了吗?)
MAD has courses about conversational English and computer skills that kids can take throughout their childhood and high school studies.(MAD有会话英语和电脑技术课程,从幼年到高中阶段孩子们都可以参加。)
You never shoved us up an unexplored rock face, whether it was geography, history, computer studies, algebra or poetry. Or real granite.(您从不硬逼我们去面对一个未经探索的问题,不管是地理,历史,电脑,代数还是诗歌,或者是真正的花岗岩。)
Studies show that people are more likely to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.(研究表明,如果人们总是长时间坐在电脑屏幕前,他们更有可能患上背部疾病。)
I believe that you are teacher of computer studies at your school.(我想你是你们学校计算机系的老师。)
The second lesson for Monday is Computer Studies.(星期一的第二节课是计算机课。)
It offers professional courses in technical studies, business studies, computer studies and English.(举办有关工科、商科、电脑及英语的专业课程。)
What lessons do you have in the morning? We have Chinese, Maths, Social Science and Computer Studies.(你们上午有什么课?我们有语文,数学,社会科学和微机课。)
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